Daniele Duca
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Building a cantenna is simple, you only have to choose what type of can to use. I decided to use an aluminium can of dog food.

After you cleaned the can, use the applet in this site to know where to apply the N connector, be as accurate as possible, because the location of the connector is very important.

Here you will see the internal of my cantenna, with a part of the N connector and the wire covered with tin (click will open a new window)

I used rivets to fix the N connector to the can. Be sure that the body of the connector and the can are physical in contact, because they share the mass.

In the next photo you will see the N connector from outside the can.

After that I decided to improve the cantenna, so I tried to make a funnel to concentrate radio waves. I took a little aluminium sheet and made 8 strip, then I used rivets to fix these strip to the can.

Last, I used aluminium scotch all over the strips and made a "radio wave funnel" (well.. sort of..). Here you will see the work finished

According to xnetstrength I gained about 6% on signal strength

If your cantenna doesn't work as you expected, you can use it as a pluviometer...

Thanks goes to my friend Fabio's dogs.


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This page last updated: 08/12/05